Decorate notes on a musical staff

Band Notes Sept 8th

Let me start by saying however FANTASTIC JOB Marching Band last Friday!    We are so incredibly proud of your efforts and your first performance!  There were. a few bobbles, but that was to be expected, but you played very well and marched very fine for our first show!   BRAVO! (more…)
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Decorate notes on a musical staff

Band Notes Sept 8th

Let me start by saying however FANTASTIC JOB Marching Band last Friday!    We are so incredibly proud of your efforts and your first performance!  There were. a few bobbles, but that was to be expected, but you played very well and marched very fine for our first show!   BRAVO! (more…)
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Decorate notes on a musical staff

Band Notes Sept 8th

Let me start by saying however FANTASTIC JOB Marching Band last Friday!    We are so incredibly proud of your efforts and your first performance!  There were. a few bobbles, but that was to be expected, but you played very well and marched very fine for our first show!   BRAVO! (more…)
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Decorate notes on a musical staff

Band Notes Sept 8th

Let me start by saying however FANTASTIC JOB Marching Band last Friday!    We are so incredibly proud of your efforts and your first performance!  There were. a few bobbles, but that was to be expected, but you played very well and marched very fine for our first show!   BRAVO! (more…)
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