Regional Solo/Ensemble

Regional Solo and Ensemble takes place on Saturday, April 5 at Olathe South HS.  Students are responsible for getting themselves to O. South along with their music and instruments.  NOTICE – this is the same day as Prom.  I cannot request special times for Prom – sorry. PARENTS – West typically has a table for all our band, choir, and string students to hang out between performances and ratings being posted.  There are often snacks and water available at this table.  If you would like to partake in the snacks, you should also bring snacks

State Large Group Festival

State Large Group Music Festival take place on Thursday, April 10 in Olathe schools.  This will be during the school day.  We may need a few parents to ride busses.  We may also need some parents/students to drive between locations if they perform in Band/Choir, or Band/Orchestra.  We will get the schedules a couple of weeks prior to the performances and can determine rides at that time.