WOW! What a great evening of music and friendships! I was so excited to hear all of our groups last night as well as see and connect with so many parents, alumni and community members. Students – way to step up after missing so many days due to weather. Your musicianship and dedication were on full display. Parents – You were fantastic. So many of you helped in various capacities, and every deed, great or small added to the positive atmosphere of the evening. The greatness of the West Pride Bands is a direct reflection of dedicated students AND PARENTS. THANK YOU!
A look ahead…
Monday – Make-up Basketball Game. Senior Night. Double Header. This is slated to be the Gold Band (from last Tuesday, February. 18). Plan on arriving at 5:30p to warm-up in the band room. Don’t forget to wear your Pep band T-shirt. Parents, please dress nicely to be recognized with your student at halftime of the boys game. Please plan on being in the gym around 7:30p. We will meet in the hallway by the concession stand with about 5 minutes left on the game clock for the second quarter.
Tuesday – BAW meeting, SM West Band Room, 7:00p. Exec Board at 6:00p. We will debrief and take notes on the Spaghetti Dinner, as well as look ahead to contest season for Solos and Ensembles as well as State Large Group. We will also look ahead to the Car Show and end-of-the-year Band Banquet.
Friday – Final Home Basketball game of the season. This game is slated for ALL pep band members. Mr. Hupe and Dr. Thomas will be in Wichita at the KMEA State Music Convention so the Drum Majors will be in charge for the night. Since there is excitement and safety in numbers, we want all hands on deck ready to Rock the House! It too is a double header so has a call time of 5:30p in the band room.
Next week is the Percussion Concert. Monday, March 3 is the rehearsal (6-9p????) followed by the Percussion Concert in the auditorium on Tuesday at 7:00p. Please plan to come support your percussion friends! $5 admission at the door for everyone as this is a small fundraiser for the Drumline. The concert will last about an hour.
Friday, March 7 is the Pitt State Jazz Festival. Mr. Hupe MIGHT still have a few tickets if any parents want to join and ride the bus down for the festival and concert. The world-famous Yellowjackets will be the headline performers at the evening concert. It will be spectacular!
…bursting with West Pride!