Greetings. I am excited to see everyone tomorrow! I hope you have enjoyed your week. Here’s what’s coming up. Several big events are coming up this week; read on for details!
Monday – London Meeting. SM West Library, 7:00p. This is for ALL travelers, or anyone still considering joining the trip. We will discuss where you might want to go on your individual sightseeing excursions, as well as spending money, and obtaining your passport. Bring your questions, we’ll do our best to answer those also.
Tuesday – Wind Ensemble, performs at SM East in the SMSD Band Festival. Students, please plan on being at East by 6:15 in our warm-up room (the choir room). The concert begins at 7:00p. We will be second on the program playing about 7:20. Everyone needs to stay until the end. We will then have a clinic on Thursday from 11:15-12:25. You’ll have third lunch on Thursday.
Wednesday – 6th Grade Honor Band Concert @ SM Northwest at 7:00p. Honor Band Mentors your help will be needed like always. Please check with Mr. Hupe, but I bet your call time is before the 6th graderswhich is 6:30.
Saturday is the Sky Ryder Camp hosted at SM West. This is open to ALL band and Color Guard students for a small $30 fee. If you ever wanted to see what a drum corps is like, come check out this VERY inexpensive camp. You can sign up using this link. You NEED to sign up ahead of time. I will be helping that day at West if you have any questions – or ask me earlier also! This is the corps that I marched, so I would LOVE to have a bunch of you attend and give it a try. I PROMISE you will learn a LOT!
Monday, March 31 – Solo and Ensemble Recital Night at SM West – 6:00p-8:00p I will have a sign-up sheet in the front of the band room tomorrow to sign up for a performance time. Every soloist and every ensemble needs to perform on this event – WITH your accompanist if you have one. This is your chance to give your performance a trial run in front of a judge. You will receive comments on the spot of things you can improve before regionals coming that weekend. This is a come and go event. Parents, you may sit in and listen to your student if you wish (and if they agree ).
Saturday, April 5 – Regional Solo and Ensemble Festival – Olathe South HS. I have attached the performance Schedule. The West band room will not be open on this Saturday. Make sure you take everything you need to perform home with you on Friday. Please arrive at O. South about 45 minutes prior to your performance time so you can find your performance room and a warm-up space. Ratings will be posted about an hour after your performance. PARENTS – we still need a few more people to sign up to help with the festival. This would be as a runner (taking rating sheets from the performance room to the tabulation room), or door monitor (checking students into their performance room). Neither are difficult, but both are critical to managing the festival. If we don’t have 3-4 people sign up, we have to pay a fine. STUDENTS – you can help also. I will award lettering points for your time. Here is the link with descriptions. Please let me know if you sign up.
We’ll see everyone tomorrow. Have a great night!