Shawnee Mission West is proud to compete in the 2023 Central States Marching Festival again this year, held at the Bill Synder Stadium at Kansas State University! Check out our performance schedule and more!
K-State Marching Festival Information
Notice the call time and departure time of the busses this coming Saturday morning October 14. Cross-Country parents – we need your help getting your students to Manhattan on this day after they are completed running at Rim Rock – GOOD LUCK!!!! ALL students, plan on bringing money for one meal in Manhattan. BAW will feed you lunch, but we will go to Pizza Ranch for dinner. That cost is $14 for the buffet and drink (plus tip). I linked the restaurant so you can see your options including pizza, chicken, and more. You may also want money for concessions at the stadium. It is a Division One Football stadium, so prices are higher than our home football games. We DEFINITELY need our freshmen roadies for this event as always.
Shawnee Mission Band Band Schedule
K-State Marching Festival (all information is in this linked PDF)
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Movement Plans
7:00a – Meet and load at the West Band Room in street clothes.
Uniforms under the bus, hat boxes in overhead storage with clarinets and flutes. Trumpets, alto saxes, mellies, under busses.
7:30 – Depart on Charter Buses from MDK.
10:00 – Arrive at KSU, Bill Snyder Family Stadium.
- Unload, and go to the restrooms at the back of the stadium.
- Set up Props, and prep equipment.
- Move to the clinic area, pit, props, flags – everyone and everything.
11:00 – Clinic at the NEW Indoor Practice facility with the K-State Band staff.
12:00p – Finish clinic and walk everything back to the buses.
12:30 – Walk into the stadium to see how big it is, and watch one band.
1:00 – Lunch at the buses (Sandwiches???).
1:45 – Dress in Uniform.
2:00- Begin Physical Warm-up with Mr. Hupe.
2:45 – Warm-up field to marching part of the show, music warm-up with Dr. Thomas.
3:00 – Begin moving to the stadium – There are NO university trailers to help this year.
3:10 – Hold in Tunnel.
3:15 – Performance.
3:30 – To Pictures or back to buses.
4:00 – Change into street clothes.
4:45 – Dinner at Pizza Ranch. Bring money for yourself. Dinner price is $13+ tax.
5:45 – Back to the stadium.
6:15 – Enter the stadium together. Sit together to watch other bands.
8:30 – Shawnee Mission NW performs
9:45 – K-State Band Performs.
10:15 – Awards – Drum Majors to the track in Uniform to receive awards.
10:45 – Load buses and return home to SM West.
12:15a – Arrive at West – Unload Trailer.
12:45 – Go HOME
Parents – Admission is $15 adult, $10 student. Cash or check only – No debit cards. Tickets can
be purchased only at Gate B. Spectators will park on the West side of the stadium.
Buses, equipment trailer, and hopefully the vehicle with the food will park together on the
East side of the stadium.