Here we go with the first installment of our weekly blog posts with news, notes, schedule and details for the Shawnee Mission West Bands! Read on for insights and details of what is to come in the next few weeks.
Everyone should be getting pledges and donations. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Every student can get 20 pledges or donations. We will commit to wash at least 300 cars – that will be our baseline for pledges. We should wash 400+. If possible, try to get 2 cents per car as a pledge. That would be $8+ from each participant. The money raised will go toward the next BIG TRIP (for 9-11th graders – next school year). Seniors, your fundraising helps us pay for this year’s expenses for marching band. You can also use your fundraising to pay for your band fees ($70 band fee or $60 inst. rental). Remember, 30% of your fundraising goes to help the band offset expenses, and you will be credited the remaining 70%. If you raise $15,000+ as a group, Dr. Thomas will dye his hair – pink, purple, green – the band’s choice.
This Week
Tuesday – First Day for Freshmen – No instruments needed freshmen. We will have a pep band made up of 10-12 graders. Call time is 1:00p in the band room to warm-up (for upperclassmen). We’ll head to the gym at 1:25ish and be ready to play the freshmen in at 1:35. The pep assembly begins at 1:45 and will last until 2:45. We’d love to have a full pep band – come join us. Any West Spirit wear is fine.
Wednesday – First Day for ALL students – instrument needed. First period (7:40a) – we will play inside. We’ll finalize lockers, hand out packets to those where were not at camp and work on music. Friday (also 7:40), we’ll plan on going outside to review some marching fundamentals and Pre-Game down the field. Additional music rehearsal.
Uniforms – If you have not been fitted, we will fit you ASAP. We have pictures on Wednesday morning, Aug. 21. If you need to purchase shoes or gloves, make sure and let the uniform moms know in the next few days. Then you can provide payment using your envelope provided in the large envelope of forms.
Next Week
Monday, August 19 – first 7:00a.m. rehearsal for the marching band. If you ride the bus, you need to check with your section leader or other friends to determine who might live close to you so you can catch a ride. Attendance is taken at 7:00a. If you need help, please ask Dr. Thomas or Mr. Hupe. We can make this happen.
Tuesday, August 20 – first Tuesday night rehearsal from 6:00p-8:00p for the horn line, drumline and color guard/dance team. Drum Line stays until 9:00p so they can have an hour of dedicated percussion practice. We will try to have uniform fittings for anyone who was not at camp, so you have a uniform for pictures the next day. This Tuesday night rehearsal will continue through marching season.
Wednesday, August 22 – Marching Band Pictures – call time 6:50a – change into uniform (no hats or gloves). Pictures are in the Aux. gym. Everyone takes an individual picture. Buddy pics are a fun keepsake if you wish to purchase. Parents – as soon as we get picture purchasing info, I will pass along. Often parents will purchase buttons to wear with pride to games and competitions. BAW will serve breakfast after the pictures at around 8:30a. You will be finished in time for your next class.
And More Events Coming Up!
MEGA CAR WASH – Saturday, August 24, from 9a-4p. ALL band members are required to help. A few of you may have scrimmages in the morning, please talk with Dr. Thomas. Some may have work – please ask off if you can. WE NEED everyone to help if we want to wash 400 vehicles!
KMBC 9 News – Back to School special. Johnny Rowlands will be landing his helicopter on the practice field at SM West bright and early this morning. Call time will be 6:30a in band T-shirts, shorts and tennis shoes. We will be playing as he circles the field. We’ll clear the field when he lands. More information to come.
*** NO Tuesday night rehearsal on Tuesday, August 27 for the horn line. Color guard you will meet from 6-7:30. Drumline, you will probably meet since Kyle is still available. Stay tuned.
Forms and Fees Packet – If you have not already signed and returned all of your forms, please do that this week. It is appreciated if you can return your fee envelope at the same time. If that is a problem, please visit with Dr. Thomas or Mr. Hupe – we can work things out. We DO NOT want money to stand in the way of you participating. Forms should be returned in the large envelope you received. Fees should be paid using the small envelope. Thank you.
First Home Football game – Friday, September 6… it’s closer than you think. We will perform all of pregame and the first movement (drill and music).
Let Sko Vikes!