Tonight is the SMSD Marching Fest. Call time for the students to change and begin loading is 5:00p in the band room. They should have been talking with their coaches about getting out early from practice so they can get supper ahead of our call time. There is not meal served tonight. We talked about that again today and I emailed the coaches to let them know also.
Tonights timeline:
- 5:00 – Dress into uniform and load trailer
- 5:30 – Depart for South Stadium
- 5:50 – Arrive South Stadium unload
- 6:00 – Freshman Roadies set up Backdrops
- Band warm-up
- 6:50 – move to holding position on track
- 7:00 – West Performs
Each band has a location marked in the stands where they will sit. Parents, fee free to sit behind us (your normal West Pride location) or mix and mingle with other enthusiastic band parents from across the district.
The show will conclude around 8:15-8:30. We’ll load and return to West as soon as possible.
Remember – NO rehearsal tomorrow night except for Guard. However – we will have a BAW meeting at 7:00 and a full first London meeting at 7:30p. The London meeting will be in the Cafeteria, while the BAW meeting will be in the band room. Please don’t miss out on either of these. We have a BUSY month in front of us!
District Honor Band – If you are auditioning for the District Honor Band – I need you to sign up on the list in the front of the band room by Wednesday please.
This Saturday (Oct. 5) is the Warrensburg Festival Of Champions indoor competitions for the Guard and Drumline. The schedule is attached. I saw that a sign-up list went out yesterday to secure a few parents to serve as chaperones and roadies. Please help us as you can.