Since this is the last week prior to Spring Break, it is vitally important that the students take their instruments home and do just a little home practice over the week. Not only to keep their chops in shape, but to also be prepared for upcoming performances! Now, what’s coming up this week, and after Spring Break?
This Weeks Schedule
MONDAY – If you are planning to participate in the Regional Solo and Ensemble Festival in April, I need everyone to be signed up no later than Monday (today). The sheet is on the markerboard in the front of the band room. I need to know who is in the ensemble (soloist name), the title of the work, who is accompanying (if applicable), and their email address. If you have special needs regarding your performance time, please put that on the sign-up form, or talk directly to Dr. Thomas, (or email) no later than Monday. West happily pays your entry fee. If you or your group does not perform at regionals, you will need to reimburse West for that fee.
London Payment – Friday, March 14. Let’s push this back to Monday, March 24. That will give everyone a few extra days PLUS, we want to have a London meeting of all Travelers, or anyone interested in joining the trip. We will begin talking about sightseeing – places you can go, things to think about, and maybe some things you can do in chaperone groups. We are hoping to have a special guest join us who lived in London for many years. She possesses a wealth of knowledge to share with the group. We will have parents available to take your payments and write receipts on the spot.
When we return from break….
Tuesday, March 25 is the Shawnee Mission Wind Ensemble Festival held at SM East. We will perform Waltz #2 and …Ere the World Began to Be for our sister schools, parents, and a judge! That concert begins at 7:00p.m. and will end around 8:45ish. Students need to get themselves, their music, and their instruments to East. This is a typical Concert Black dress event. Gentlemen need to grab their tux coats either Monday or Tuesday after school. Call time will be 6:10p. Please plan for rush hour traffic. Parents, please come and enjoy a great evening of music! The encouragement you provide by being in the audience cannot be measured – it is SO important!
The Symphonic Band will have the same type of event on Thursday, April 3 at SM Northwest.
Solo and Ensemble performers – We host a West Recital Night in the music rooms at West on Monday, March 31 from 6-8:00p. We hire a judge to listen and provide feedback for every performing solo or group. This is an opportunity to run your piece in a performance situation prior to going to Regionals. There will be a sign-up sheet on the marker board in the front of the room for a performance time. You MUST have original music for all performers, piano accompanist (if applicable) and the judge. If you do not have originals, you will be disqualified at Regionals! Measures MUST be numbered for the judge. SM West, MUST appear on the judges copy in case it gets separated from you during the day.
Regional Solo and Ensemble takes place on Saturday, April 5 at Olathe South HS. Students are responsible for getting themselves to O. South along with their music and instruments. NOTICE – this is the same day as Prom. I cannot request special times for Prom – sorry. PARENTS – West typically has a table for all our band, choir, and string students to hang out between performances and ratings being posted. There are often snacks and water available at this table. If you would like to partake in the snacks, you should also bring snacks.
State Large Group Music Festival take place on Thursday, April 10 in Olathe schools. This will be during the school day. We may need a few parents to ride busses. We may also need some parents/students to drive between locations if they perform in Band/Choir, or Band/Orchestra. We will get the schedules a couple of weeks prior to the performances and can determine rides at that time.
Jazz on the Bridge takes place on Friday, April 11. We will need students help to set up after school. Lettering points are available. Parents can also be utilized. The event usually starts between 5:30 and 6:00p and runs to about 9:30p.
State Solo and Ensemble Festival takes place on Saturday, April 26 at Topeks Washburn Rural HS. This is for any soloist or ensemble who receives a Superior (I) rating at Regionals. More to come on this later.
I know this is a lot of information, but for students and parents who have not experienced this before, I wanted you to know what to expect.
Please enjoy your break!