Greetings everyone. I hope you are recovered from a long marching season. Here is our upcoming schedule and information.
Monday (tomorrow) – We have a large pep band performing at Hy-Vee (87th and Pflum) for Veterans Day. We had students sign up on Friday morning. (list attached). We will NOT be taking district transportation but rather relying on our own students to drive and transport their friends (if parents have given such permission).
Here is our planned schedule:
- 7:00a- Band room opened for anyone who needs it
- 7:30 – begin playing in front of Hy-Vee
- 8:10 – cut loose students to return to West
- 8:15 – OE and select percussion students remain to perform inside Armed Forces Salute and SSB – DO NOT stop for coffee. Passes will not be given for this group.
- 8:25 – Remaining students depart for West
- 8:35 – Dr. Thomas will write passes for non-OE percussion students to go to second period.
Marching Band students have completed auditions for concert band placement. We will begin those rehearsals shortly.
Concert Band Attire – Please take careful note of the concert band attire (recently updated). Please see the PDF below. ALL band students will be expected to wear this attire for all our concert band events without exception. If students do not have the proper attire, they will not perform and will not receive grade points for that performance. If obtaining any of this attire poses a financial difficulty, please let Dr. Thomas or Mr. Hupe know immediately – we want to help. Waiting until the day of the event is too late.
Later this week we will unveil our next London Fundraiser. Stay tuned!