Congratulations to our 2025-26 Drum Majors – Caroline Tims, Lydia Partin, and Jake Auer. Thank you to all the candidates for your work through the audition preparations. You are all GREAT leaders and valuable to our program. Coming up next will be Section Leader Application and Selections. Stay tuned.
Upcoming events
BAW meeting Tuesday evening at 7:00p. Parents, please consider joining us to see how you can support your student in the coming months. While concert season is not as logistically heavy, there are still a lot of ways that we can use your support to make our bands, and your students better. 7:00p in the band room
Spaghetti Supper Tickets were given to every band student’s this past week. Each student received 10 tickets. We NEED everyone to sell their tickets to friends and family! This pays for so many events that our boosters help support. Not the least of which is the hiring of clinicians that are working with your students every other week in the form of group lessons. We need the envelopes returned (with the money from sold tickets, or any remaining tickets) no later than NEXT Wednesday, February 12 so we can have an accurate accounting of how many meals we need to prep for.
Student sign-up sheets (for the Spaghetti Supper – Saturday, February 22) will be posted in the front of the band room this week. There are many roles we need help with starting at 3:00p. Lettering points will be awarded. Students will need to sign in with the Drum Majors for EACH shift they work to receive points. Parents – we will need your help also. Be looking for a Sign-Up Genius email so you can sign up and let us know you are helping.
Do you need help earning lettering points? I could use 4-5 students this weekend at Indian Woods Middle School assisting as runners and tabulation room helpers to manage the SMSD Solo and Ensemble Festival. I need help from 7:30a-12:30p. I can use you for the entire time, or an hour at a time. Let me know ASAP if you are interested and available. No experience necessary!
Have you signed up for the REG Fox Online Fundraiser? We have had a handful, including one student who already has his trip paid for via this method. The key is setting up your page and then emailing family and friends your link and asking them to help you with some kind of donation. If you do not send out your request, you will not earn any money. It really is that simple. Setting up the page does not do you any good by itself. You have to let people know it is available, and you have to ASK. If you have not set up your page, I have attached the How-To document again.
Thundering Herd – Parents and Alumni – We are bringing back the Thundering Herd band for the Spaghetti Supper. If you every played an instrument (band or orchestral), we’d love for you to join us. You will get to play, along with your son/daughter on two pieces for the concert on Saturday, Feb. 22. please sign-up using this form so we know who and what instrumentation to expect. If you need to borrow an instrument, (clarinet, trumpet, trumpet, tuba) we can take care of you. All we ask is that you please provide your own reed if possible. We will have one rehearsal on Wednesday, Feb 19, at 7p in the band room. We currently have almost 20 signed up not counting current students of parents. :-).
Thank you to the parents who have been organizing and working to help the students raise money through the HyVee Sacking! Band Parents ROCK!
We do have a basketball game this week for the Pep Band on Thursday (Black band). We have another next week on Tuesday (also Black Band).
Finally, the London treasurers have been updating the My Music Office financial records. If you have not logged in to see your balances, I sent out instructions on that process before the Winter Break. If you can’t find them, please email Dr. Thomas and I will resend for you. Have you applied for your Passport yet? Now is a good slow time to do that. Don’t put it off too much. If you forget and have to rush order it, it will cost you! (In the past we’ve found the Stanley (151st and Metcalf) post office is most easily available. Online appointments are offline at the moment – but try at )