Good evening, everyone. Mini-camps; Concerts; Flower Sale information; End of year banquet – and scholarship news!
Monday – Drumline Mini Camp. All percussionists that will be involved with the marching band next year need to be in attendance as we will determine instrument/section placement to is best for both the players and the band. We will begin at 6p and plan to go to 8p but may finish early.
Tuesday – Band Concert. 7p, West Auditorium. We will begin with the Jazz Lab Ensemble followed by Overland Express, then the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble. We will conclude the night with inviting all the seniors to the stage to play the Fight Song one last time. Please come join us and celebrate our awesome students one more time. The concert will conclude around 8:45. Dress is nice clothes – no jeans or tennis shoes.
Thursday – Flower Sale Pickup, 3:00p.m.-6:00p. Anyone who ordered flowers in the latest flower sale they will be here on Thursday just outside the band room. If you are unable to pick up yourself, please make arrangements to have someone pick up on your behalf.
Monday, May 13 – End of Year band Banquet, 6p in the SM West Cafeteria. This is for ALL band families. There is no charge to attend and partake in the food. We don’t want anything to stand in the way for our students and families to celebrate together. We will have multiple desserts available, including non-sweets. Students, please check in at the doorway according to your grade level.
Monday, May 20 – Westridge Band Concert, 7p – Let’s go celebrate the Westridge Bands!
Tuesday, May 21 – SM West Graduation @ SM South stadium. – All non-seniors will form a combined Symphonic (Graduation) band to perform at graduation. This is a required performance. Call time will be 6:20p on the turn in the stadium. Each student needs to bring their own instrument. Percussion equipment chairs, and music stands will be provided. We play prior to graduation starting and then again at the end. Students may leave at the conclusion of the ceremonies. Dress is nice clothes, just like our Spring Concert – no jeans or tennis shoes.
Finally – Would you like to go to a music camp this summer… on someone else’s dime? You have an opportunity to do just that. We are bringing back the BAW summer band camp scholarship. Attached is a PDF document outlining the details needed to apply for one concert band camp, and one jazz band camp. Students may only apply for one camp. Please look over the dates and see if you can attend. If so, please submit the required information by THIS COMING FRIDAY (May 10) to Dr. Thomas or Mr. Hupe. Winners will be announced at the banquet next week.